21 Dec 2017


Categories: Misc.

21 December 2017

On Tuesday 19 December, 25 years after the Slovak Olympic Committee (SOC) was established, a celebration of the anniversary took place in Bratislava.

18 of the 26 Slovak Olympic medallists, past and current Board Members, representatives of the Slovak Paralympic Committee, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and other honourable guests attended the ceremony.

IOC President Thomas Bach and EOC President Janez Kocijančič addressed the assembly with short videos. The history of the SOC was reflected on with speeches and greetings from founding members and Honorary Presidents Vladimir Cernusak and Frantisek Chmelar, and the event closed with the address of SOC president Anton Siekel.

Thanks to the effort and goodwill of Olympic Channel, all the guests were able to watch a video compilation capturing events where Slovak athletes have won medals.  A new book describing and picturing Slovak Olympic medal successes was presented.

This week’s ceremony was the beginning of a celebration period that will last for 9 months, and that will culminate in September with the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the SOC’s recognition by the IOC.