01 Mar 2017


Categories: Misc.

March 1, 2017

Fresh champions from the Erzurum EYOF have an additional reason to rejoice. Their performance will give them the possibility of winning the second Best Winter European Young Athlete “Piotr Nurowski” Prize.

To be eligible for the Winter Prize, young European winter sports athletes under the age of 19 by December 2017 must be presented by their NOCs, in conjunction with their National Athletes’ Commission.

Performance achieved during competitions must be taken into consideration, but also the candidate’s particularly valuable behaviour, action and/or conduct in the fields of fair play, Olympic culture and values, as well as friendship.

The EOC Head Office welcomes applications, the deadline for which is 15th March.

The Prize was created in 2010 in memory of our dear friend and the great man of Olympism Piotr Nurowski, and through his example and his memory encourage young athletes to pursue a career in top sport, as well as to inspire future generations to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on Olympic values and principles.

The Winter Prize is awarded at the EOC Seminar in Spring, the first having been awarded in 2016 in Tarragona (Spain) to Ukrainian biathlon champion Krystyna Dmytrenko. (photo) . The award ceremony for the 2nd edition will take place during EOC Seminar scheduled in Skopje, FYROM, next 19 and 20 May.

The Summer Award takes place during the annual EOC General Assembly.

The winner of the Winter Prize will receive a Trophy and a training scholarship of € 12’000.

For the Summer Piotr Nurowski Prize the procedure will start in September and will culminate in Zagreb, Croatia, at the 2017 EOC General Assembly.