13 Sep 2019


Categories: Misc.

13 September 2019

The European Mobility Week will take place from 16 to 22 September across the continent, with the goal of promoting cycling and other “sustainable transport”. The celebration aims at inspiring best practices of “active travel,” encouraging citizens to travel by bike, by foot or by public transport as alternate to their cars.

2,633 towns and cities registered in 2019, as they see it as the perfect opportunity to test out new forms of clean mobility, take stock of current transport challenges and progress towards more sustainable mobility for Europe.

According to the International Cycling Union (UCI), some of the events on the programme include the Athens Fancy Women Bike Ride, an all-women’s bike ride in the Greek capital taking place on 22 September. A biker commuter group is also set to travel 4km from Luxembourg Central station to the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works in Kirchberg as part of the Mobility Week.

This year, the European Commission has also launched a Social Biking challenge that will run for three weeks. It aims to call for more people to cycle more often and to use their tracking app to check their progress, featuring different stages every week: individual, pair and group.

Last year, Lisbon (Portugal) and Lindau (Germany) received the European Mobility Week Award 2018 for their impressive sustainable mobility initiatives.

The Portuguese capital won in the category of the larger municipalities for having organised a number of activities, including: museum bike trips, free bicycle repair workshops, and a special prize for people and organisations that promoted the use of bikes.

While Lindau (Germany) won in the category of smaller municipalities for having organised: on-street info points to communicate the benefits of ‘mixing and moving’, a free hybrid shuttle bus and water taxi during Car-Free Day, as well as rewarded commuters who travelled by bike, foot, bus or train during the week with a free breakfast.

Stay tuned to find out which cities will win the European Mobility Week Awards 2019!

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