13 Jun 2022

51st EOC General Assembly – Highlights

Categories: EOC

The National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of Europe gathered in Skopje, North Macedonia where the EOC delivered a successful 51st General Assembly from 10-11 June 2022. The EOC expresses its thanks to the Olympic Committee of North Macedonia for hosting the General Assembly.

The highlights of the EOC General Assembly are as follows. The EOC General Assembly: 


  • Approved the minutes of the 50th EOC General Assembly.
  • Thanked the Olympic Committee of North Macedonia and its President Daniel Dimevski for the excellent organisation of the General Assembly in Skopje.
  • Congratulated the Olympic Committee of North Macedonia on its 30th Former NOC President Vasil Tupurkovski was presented with a commemorative gift by EOC President Spyros Capralos.
  • Thanked the IOC and its President Thomas Bach for addressing the General Assembly and for its support to the European sports family.
  • Unanimously elected Andrzej Krasnicki as an ANOC Executive Council member.

 Solidarity with Ukraine

  • Shared gratitude for the strong leadership and clear guidance President Bach has provided in relation to the war in Ukraine.
  • Expressed full support to National Olympic Committee of Ukraine President Sergii Bubka and the entire Ukrainian Olympic Community. The EOC thanks President Bach and Mr Bubka for leading the solidarity efforts for Ukraine, and notes the outstanding contributions of Europe’s NOCs to support Ukraine and promote a message of peace and unity through sport.
  • Noted the non-attendance of the NOCs of Russia and Belarus was a one-off decision in the current exceptional context to protect the proper functioning of the General Assembly.
  • Shared full commitment to the Olympic principles and values, and urges NOCs to continue to focus on using sport as a vehicle for peace and non-discrimination.
  • Resolved to find a sustainable way forward that will lead to reconciliation and unity within the European sports family.
  • Expressed that the EOC will continue to be guided by the Olympic principles and values and looks forward to the return of all athletes to the field of play once the circumstances allow, which is unfortunately not yet the case as stressed in Skopje by IOC President Thomas Bach

EOC Reports

  • Heard reports from EOC President Spyros Capralos and Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, who referenced the significant progress the EOC has made in terms of governance, communication, finances, commission activity, event organisation, and external relations. EOC President Spyros Capralos thanked NOCs and all EOC partners for their contributions to this progress.
  • Received a report from EOC Treasurer Peter Mennel and approved the 2021 audited Financial Statements. The EOC General Assembly mandated the EOC Executive Committee to set the budget until the end of the financial year 2023, ensuring budgeting for the European Games can be finalised.
  • Approved the appointment of external auditors Crowe for the financial years of 2022 and 2023.
  • Heard comprehensive reports from the Chairs of the EOC Commissions. The activity of the EOC Commissions has been guided by the strategic direction set out by the EOC Executive Committee in line with the development of the EOC Strategic Agenda 2030. It was noted that the activity of the EOC Commissions has greatly increased over the past year.
  • Ratified changes to the Terms of Reference of the newly-named EOC Gender Equality, Inclusion & Diversity Commission. The EOC General Assembly also approved the Commission’s target of working towards becoming a signatory of the Brighton and Helsinki Declaration and the UN Women Sport for Generation Equality Initiative.
  • Supported proposal to work towards becoming a Signatory of the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework, as part of the wide-ranging sustainability strategy being developed by the EOC.
  • Received an update from the EOC Strategic Agenda 2030 Working Group and approved the timeline of agreeing an action plan for 2023-2026.

 Additional Olympic Movement reports

  • IOC Director of Olympic Solidarity and NOC Services James MacLeod delivered a comprehensive report about the activities and relations with the NOCs. The EOC General Assembly thanked Mr Macleod for his support and praised the impact of Olympic Agenda 2020+5.
  • ANOC Secretary General Gunilla Lindberg provided an update on the activities of ANOC. She noted the ANOC World Beach Games 2023 and the ANOC General Assembly in 2023 will be held in Bali, Indonesia.

European Sport Model

  • Received a report from the EOC EU Office, including activity related to the protection of the European Sport Model, which requires joint action from the sports movement and public authorities.
  • Reiterated the importance of protecting and enhancing the European Sport Model. In alignment with the IOC, the EOC General Assembly agreed this model ensures sport continues to be run in the interests of the many in Europe.

Sport Events

  • Received progress reports on the planning for the European Games 2023 and congratulated the Organising Committee of the European Games 2023, the Polish Olympic Committee, and the EOC Coordination Commission (led by Hasan Arat) for signing the Host City Region Contract.
  • Heard summary reports and progress updates from the past and future organisers of the Summer and Winter European Youth Olympic Festivals, and the Games of the Small States of Europe. The EOC General Assembly thanked them for their hard work and reiterated full support in the organisation of each event.
  • Heard a summary report from the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. EOC President Spyros Capralos congratulated Europe’s NOCs for securing 70% of medals during the Games.
  • Welcomed progress updates from delegations representing the Organising Committees of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and the Olympic Winter Games Milano-Cortina 2026.

EOC Awards

  • Congratulated EOC Executive Committee Member and ANOC Secretary General Gunilla Lindberg who was awarded the EOC Order of Merit, the organisation’s highest recognition, for her outstanding contribution to the European Olympic Movement. Read more here.
  • Voted on the winner of the 7th Winter Edition of the Piotr Nurowski Prize (PNP) for the Best European Young Athlete. The award was on by Slovenian ski jumper Nika Prevc, who was congratulated at a Gala Dinner on 10 June. Read more here.

Next EOC institutional events

  • The 52nd EOC General Assembly will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2023. Meanwhile, the 43rd EOC Seminar will be held in Olympia, Greece from 30 September – 1 October 2022.