24 Mar 2017


Categories: Misc.

Belarusian Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov inspected the Minsk sports facilities that will be used in the European Games in Belarus in 2019 – BelTA, Belarus Press agency  informs.

” Belarus will prepare properly for the European Games 2019″ Kobyakov – told journalists at the end of his visit a few days ago.

“Preparations for the European Games are on schedule. There is no extra burden on the country’s financial system. We were going to complete the sports venues regardless of the European Games. But fortunately, the works are scheduled to be completed by the sporting event. I believe that we have every opportunity to prepare for the European Games in the best possible way,” the prime minister noted.

Andrei Kobyakov got familiar with the course of the construction and renovation of several sports facilities. The prime minister visited Marshal Timoshenko sports-shooting facility to review the progress in its reconstruction. “The amount of financial assistance has been set. The contractor organization has a wealth of expertise and enough workforce. I think the works will be finished by the deadline (by the end of 2018) and with appropriate quality,” the prime minister noted.

The prime minister also visited the construction site of the Olympic rhythmic gymnastics training center in Pobeditelei Avenue. “I think that this center will be one of the most beautiful buildings in Minsk and a really good facility for training our gymnasts. The president gave instructions to commission the center in December 2017. There is every reason to believe that the deadline will be met. The problem with some lack of finances will be settled in the near future and the center will be finished on time,” Andrei Kobyakov said.

Andrei Kobyakov also evaluated the process of the reconstruction of the Dynamo stadium. “It will be the main venue of the European Games. The stadium will host the opening ceremony. The reconstruction works proceed on schedule. At the moment, we see no complications that could have an impact on the quality and duration of works,” he said, adding that all the current issues, which can emerge on any construction site, are quickly resolved.

Belarus was chosen to host the Second European Games in 2019 after a vote at the 45th General Assembly of the European Olympic Committees in Minsk in October. The First European Games were held in Azerbaijan on 12-28 June 2015. Belarus placed 7th with a total of 43 (10 gold, 11 silver and 22 bronze) medals.
