30 Jul 2017


Categories: Misc.

30 July 2017

Győr, Hungary; 30 July 2017: The Closing Ceremony of the “best ever” European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) took place last night, bringing an end to a week of high-quality competition and the celebration of Olympic spirit in the Hungarian city of Győr.

The 14th summer edition of the European Olympic Committees’ (EOC) oldest Olympic competition has been hugely successful, with widespread praise for the organisation of the festival coming from athletes, chef de missions and EOC Executive Committee (EC) members.

Speaking on behalf of the EOC at the Closing Ceremony, EOC EC member Alexander Kozlovsky described this week as the “best ever EYOF”. The ceremony began with a variety of youth-focused Hungarian on-stage performances, before Győr Mayor Zsolt Borkai and Kozlovsky gave their closing remarks. There was also a preview of the 2019 summer EYOF, which will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan – the hosts of the inaugural 2015 European Games

In his Closing Ceremony speech, Kozlovsky said:

“Dear athletes, you have filled Győr with a great energy, an energy only youth can provide, treating us to six days of outstanding competitions, joy and friendship that have made this 14th Summer EYOF an event we will remember and cherish in the years ahead. The amazing event continues to improve with each edition, and I sure you will all agree that this week has been the best ever EYOF. Győr has set the bar very high for future hosts!

“On behalf of the EOC, I want to thank the Hungarian Government for its wonderful support and the Mayor and the Municipal Authorities, who have been magnificent hosts. Let me also warmly thank the National Olympic Committee of Hungary as well as the thousands of volunteers who have made this event so enjoyable. All these people have shown true Olympic spirit in the way they have tackled, with such drive and dynamism, the task of managing this fabulous event.”

Over the past week, more than 2500 of Europe’s most talented young athletes have competed in 10 different sports – athletics, basketball, cycling, gymnastics, handball, judo, kayak-canoe, swimming, tennis and volleyball. 38 of the 50 competing countries have won medals, with Russia finishing top of the medal table with 30 golds. Hosts Hungary also had an excellent week, finishing third with 13 golds and 41 medals in total.