30 Aug 2017


Categories: Misc.

Rome, 30 August 2017

All European NOCs will be able to put forward their best young champions in Summer sports for the 7th edition of the Piotr Nurowski Prize, the EOC award created in 2010, to remember the dear friend and the great man of Olympism, late Polish NOC President.

Through his example and his memory, athletes are encouraged to pursue a career in top sport, while future generations are inspired to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on Olympic values and principles.

Since 2016 the EOC Prize offers double opportunities to young European athletes, as a Winter Prize has been created and its awardees celebrated at the annual EOC Seminar, generally in May.

Candidatures to the Summer Best European Young Athlete  Prize will be received at the Rome EOC headquarters until next 25 September. The awardee will be elected by the EOC General Assembly next November in Zagreb (CRO).

The ceremony for the EOC Piotr Nurowski Award will take place during the EOC General Assembly’s Official Dinner.

To be eligible for the Summer EOC Piotr Nurowski Prize, an athlete needs to comply with the following requirements:

– be a citizen of a European country

– be presented by his/her NOC, in conjunction with the National Athlete Commission, if any

– be under the age of 19 at 31st December 2017.

In choosing their candidate, the NOC/ National Athletes Commission should take into consideration:

– Performance achieved by the young athlete during the summer EYOF events or Olympic Games , or European Games

– His/her performance in national, regional and/or world championships

– His/her particularly valuable behaviour, action and/or conduct in the fields of fair-play, Olympic culture and values, friendship, etc.

The winner will receive the EOC Trophy and a training scholarship.