21 Sep 2017


Categories: Misc.

21 September 2017

A seminar entitled “Raising awareness of sports doctors on doping, food additives, emergency care during sporting events, and treatment of injuries” was held at the initiative of the Armenian Olympic Committee.

The seminar, which was organised on September 19 at their headquarters, within the framework of the IOC Olympic Solidarity programme, welcomed Professor Pavel Karsadze, Head of the Department of Sports Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation of the Tbilisi State Medical University, member of the Executive Committee of the Anti-Doping Organization of the Eastern European Region and the Head of the Anti-Doping Service of Georgia.

Within the framework of the event, Professor Kasradze delivered a report on the topic “Using Plasmolift for the Treatment of Sports Injuries”.

Speaking to the press, he said: “We have long been cooperating with our Armenian colleagues, including the Armenian Olympic team physician David Mosinian and the team’s coach Karen Stepanyan. Often, we exchange ideas about methods that we use in our work. Exchange of experience in our field is very important. In Georgia, we use a new method called plasmolifting.”

In his report, Kasradze detailed Plasmoliftling, a procedure for injecting an own-blood plasma, rich in thrombocytes.

This method has been used for almost nine years in Georgia. “We would like to start the procedure in Armenia as well. There is such a need and we are ready to work closely on this issue” Professor Kasradze commented.