10 Nov 2017


Categories: Misc.

10 October 2017

Following the decision taken at last year’s Seminar in Skopje (FYROM) to award the hosting of the 39th EOC Seminar to the NOC of Serbia, this year’s Seminar will take place in Belgrade next 11/12 May 2018.

The NOC of Serbia is an active member of the European Association, with three of its leading figures involved in EOC activities: Djordje Perisic as a member of the EOC Audit Committee, Vlade Divac as a European ANOC representative, and Secretary General Djordje Visacki as a member of the EYOF Commission.

Over the years, delegations from the Olympic Movement of Europe have had occasion to visit the Serbian capital on several occasions: an EOC Seminar in 2004, the IX Summer EYOF in 2007, and an EOC General Assembly in 2010.

Next May the 50 European NOCs will again have the opportunity to visit Belgrade, a city with a rich culture. Save the date!