08 Feb 2018


Categories: Misc.

8 February 2018

For the very first time the Holy See Delegation led by Monsignor Melchor Sanchez De Toca Y Alameda, Undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture, attended as observers the International Olympic Committee meeting in PyeongChang on February 6 and 7.

The Vatican Delegation had already attended the Opening Ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and has been invited to the one in PyeongChang on Friday (February 9).

“It is a unique event in a very symbolic area, just few kilometers away from the boundary between North and South Korea”, Monsignor Sanchez De Toca said.

Also Pope Francis wanted to send his special greetings to the International Olympic Committee and to all the athletes taking part in the Winter Games in South Korea.

As a matter of fact, at the end of his Wednesday General Audience in Rome, he said that this year’s Olympic Games take on a particular significance since delegations from both North and South Korea will be marching together at the Opening Ceremony and competing together in the same team.

“The Olympic truce allows us to keep on hoping in a peaceful world, all the conflicts can be solved through dialogue and mutual respect”, stressed the Pope reflecting the values which sport embodies.