19 Jun 2018


Categories: Misc.

19 June 2018

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Coordination Commission, chaired by Pierre-Olivier Beckers-Vieujant, has made its first two-day visit to Paris, where they met with Paris 2024 Organising Committee.

The meeting started yesterday 18 June under the Eiffel Tower following a basketball display featuring a number of young local players. “It’s fantastic to be starting off here at this emblematic venue”, Beckers-Vieujant said after speaking with Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet.

The basketball show beneath the Eiffel Tower also featured Tony Parker, France’s National Basketball Association (NBA) star,  who was  named on that occasion as the Paris 2024 Education Ambassador.

The CoCom Chair remarked his heartfelt sense of accord with President Estanguet, stressing the importance of creating a positive atmosphere with the Paris 2024 organisers from the very first day.

The first day of discussions, which was held in a meeting room with a panoramic view over the nearby Eiffel Tower on the tenth floor of the CoCom Members hotel, mainly focused on important items to do with vision, governance, the commercial aspect, Games delivery, Games organisation and venues.

While the joint meetings will continue today 19 June, another step forward was taken last Thursday June 14. The Paris 2024 protocol was signed by Anne Hidalgo – Paris Mayor and President of the Games delivery body – Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Tony Estanguet, Paris 2024 President. The document guaranteed the proposed financial blueprint for the Games, which restricted public spending on the Games to the originally announced level of €1.5 billion (£1.3 billion/$1.8 billion).