03 Jun 2019


Categories: Misc.

3 June 2019

The 18th Games of the Small States of Europe came to end in Budva, Montenegro on 1 June 2019.

The past 5 days have been a fantastic celebration of European sport and an occasion of solidarity, showing that even small countries can dream bigger.

Luxembourg topped the overall medal table with 76 medals (26 gold, 27 silver and 23 bronze), followed by Cyprus with 64 (21 gold, 27 silver and 16 bronze), Iceland with 55 (19 gold, 13 silver, 23 bronze).

A record was also scored by hosting NOC of Montenegro, who won 35 medals (15 gold, 13 silver, 20 bronze). It was the first time that Montenegro hosted a multi-sport event, gathering 835 athletes competing in ten discipline around the five cities of Budva, Tivat, Bar, Cetinje, Podgorica.

The Closing Ceremony took place in the friendly and joyful environment of Slovenska Plaza, the Athletes Village in Slovenska plaza resort.

The event was also attended by IOC President Thomas Bach, IOC Deputy Director Pere Mirò, along with EOC President Janez Kocijančič and EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi.

“You showed to the world how big is the Olympic spirit in your beautiful country”, said IOC President Thomas Bach.

Kocijančič also praised the organisation of the Games and warmly thank the lifeblood of any Games, the volunteers. Over 350 young people who worked so hard and with enthusiasm to make the event a success.

“Montenegro has done the European Olympic Movement proud by hosting a great Games, in a sustainable way that will leave the country with many positive sporting legacies,” Kocijancic said.

President of the Montenegrin Olympic Committee Dusan Simonovic delivered a closing speech with immense pride: “Tonight the Olympic flame was extinguished, but a warmth and glamour will remain in our hearts”.

“The GSSE will continue to be our inspiration and the memory of the path we started in June 2015, when we were awarded the organisation of the Games,” Simonović added.

The country of Montenegro proudly took on the baton of the GSSE from San Marino in 2017 and passed it to the next Games Organisers, the National Olympic Committee of Andorra.

At the end of the ceremony, Simonovic symbolically handed over the flag of the Games to Jaume Marti Mandico, President of the NOC of Andorra. Prime Minister of the Principality of Andorra H.E. Xavier Espot Zamora stated afterwards: “We look forward to welcoming you in Andorra in 2021!”.

Finally, spectacular fireworks lighted Budva’s sky and the party began.