09 Sep 2021

EOC announces list of candidates for EOC Athletes’ Commission

Categories: EOC

9 September 2021

The EOC announced today the list of candidates for the election to the EOC Athletes’ Commission (AC).

17 athletes are running to become new Members of the new EOC Athletes’ Commission.

The elections will be held during the 6th Assembly of the European Athletes to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia on 2 October 2021.

The new EOC AC will be comprised of eight elected Members (six summer sports athletes and two winter sports athletes), plus two members who will be appointed by the EOC Executive Committee, in consultation with the Chairperson of the EOC AC.

The main mission of the EOC AC is to bring the voice of the Athletes of Europe to the highest level of government of the Olympic Movement of Europe, ensuring their voice is heard and made to count.

The EOC AC is the sole voice of the Athletes of Europe recognised by the EOC able to make recommendations and give advice to the EOC Executive Committee.

The EOC has adopted the IOC Athletes’ Rights and Responsibilities Declaration and will develop mechanisms for effective remedies related to these rights and responsibilities as well as to encourage athletes to make use of these mechanisms.

The new Terms of Reference of the EOC Athletes Commission can be found here.