21 Mar 2022

EOC extends decision regarding Russia and Belarus

Categories: EOC

In alignment with the recommendation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on 28th February 2022 and consistent with the decision taken by the EOC ExCo on 2nd March 2022 in relation to the EYOF Vuokatti 2022, the EOC ExCo extended the non-participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials in the Summer EYOF scheduled in Banska Bystrica in July 2022. The decision was taken in consultation with the Organising Committee of the EYOF Banska Bystrica 2022.

Within this framework, and so as to protect the integrity of the EOC’s activities in the current exceptional context, the EOC ExCo has also decided that Russian and Belarusian individuals who hold an EOC ExCo or Commission position will temporarily not be invited to attend ExCo and Commissions’ meetings.