30 Sep 2022

4th EOC Executive Committee – Highlights/ Costa Navarino (GRE) 29 September 2022

Categories: EOC

The EOC Executive Committee (ExCo) met in Costa Navarino, Greece ahead of the 42nd EOC Seminar in Olympia Greece, which takes place from 30 September – 1 October. The highlights of the ExCo meeting are as follows.

Report of EOC President Spyros Capralos

President Spyros Capralos:

  • Highlighted the importance of the European Week of Sport and shared details of the EOC’s promotion and initiatives around this.
  • Provided an update on the success of the European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) Banská Bystrica 2022 and expressed how it proves a small city can organise a high-level, compact event.
  • Noted that 2023 will be an exciting year for the EOC with two EYOFs, the Games of the Small States of Europe and the European Games in Poland.
  • Commented on the progress with the EOC Strategic Agenda 2030, which is now in a final draft stage and will soon be finalised and published. Working Group Chair Djordje Visacki will present an update to the EOC Seminar.


Report of EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi

Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi:

  • Updated on the latest activities of the EOC Head Office.
  • Provided an update on the status of CAS cases with the Russian Olympic Committee.
  • Informed the Members about the timeline about the EOC Strategic Agenda 2030, which is set to be approved beginning of 2023.
  • EOC Code of Ethics: The NOCs of Norway, Germany and the Netherlands proposed some changes that the Ethics Commission evaluated and in large part adopted in the document. The new draft will be circulated to the NOCs.
  • Shared the Meltwater social media report at the EYOF Banská Bystrica 2022.


Report of EOC Treasurer Peter Mennel

Treasurer Peter Mennel:

  • Reported finances are in line with budget for the year.
  • Noted the EOC provided financial support for Ukrainian athletes in Banská Bystrica and assisted NOCs who were supporting Ukrainian athletes.
  • Proposed to improve the guidelines for NOCs regarding applications to NOCs Special Activities fund.
  • Provided an update of the draft of the European Games budget.


Report of European Games 2023 Coordination Commission Chair Hasan Arat

Chair Hasan Arat:

  • Shared that 18 Olympic sports have been confirmed which will all have Olympic qualifying events.
  • Noted that the final sport programme is still to be finalised, and that this will be done after the upcoming Coordination Commission 12-13 October.
  • Reported that there will be the inclusion of esports for the first time as a demonstration during the Games, with further details on this to follow.
  • Noted the importance of the recent deal with the EBU to broadcast the Games, which will add great visibility.
  • Split, Croatia was announced as a potential candidate city for the European Games 2027


EOC Commissions

  • An update was given by Chair of the Culture and Education Commission Jean Michel Brun, including details on an initiative for NOCs to work with universities to promote the link between culture and sport.


EOC General Assembly Format

  • Overview given on the review of the GA format and proposed changes to ensure relevance and differentiation from the Seminar by EOC ExCo Member Uschi Schmitz.
  • Two elements for the GA: to identify needs and engage more discussion.
  • Recommendations were given on improvements to format and collaboration which will be considered.


XXVI ANOC General Assembly

  • Updates were given on the upcoming ANOC GA by ANOC Secretary General Gunilla Lindberg.
  • The ANOC elections will be held by electronic vote to ensure good governance.
  • Booths will be present from various organisations to support NOCs.



  • Updates given on the status of recent and upcoming EYOFs by EOC ExCo Member Líney Rut Halldórsdóttir.
  • The importance of the European Young Olympic Ambassador programme was highlighted and its great potential to promote values to both athletes and coaches.
  • Winter EYOF Friuli Venezia Giulia 2023 Chef de Mission meeting was successfully held last week, and preparations are on track.
  • Maribor 2023 preparations are going well, and a Coordination Commission meeting will be held on 26-27 October. Invitation letters will be sent to NOCs soon.
  • Summer EYOF 2025 – Croatia received support from the ExCo to host EYOF 2025.


EOC EU Office

  • Updates by Director of the EOC EU Office Folker Hellmund.
  • Highlighted they have been able to secure funding for next editions of EYOF and will work on securing this for future editions.
  • Funding brochure presented last year will now be available to NOCs online. Includes a funding scheme on ‘mobility’ which will include finance for representatives from Sport organisations to be part of work exchanges.
  • Reported on biggest project they have done to date, ‘Ocean’ which is around education of climate change officers.
  • Informed of an initiative from a member of the EU Parliament, proposing world anti-corruption agency in sport. This will be presented 4 October in the European Parliament.