10 Nov 2023

EOC Medical Commission meet online to assess 2023 Results

Categories: EOC

Chaired by Prof Dr Klaus Steinbach, the EOC Medical Commission met online the afternoon of 8 November to discuss how the EOC anti-doping programme managed by ITA has impacted the 2023 EOC Sports events and review the medical services provided by the organisers.

Cleanest European Games in history

As a highlight, the Commission was pleased to report that all EOC events held during 2023 were notably doping free, with zero positive doping tests reported over the course of the European Games, and Summer and Winter European Youth Festivals, representing the cleanest year ever for EOC European sports and a huge success in the fight against doping. A total of 1,459 doping control tests were conducted across EOC events during 2023, and for the first time, Dried Blood Spot testing was introduced at the European Games.

This result is testament to the comprehensive and intelligence-led anti-doping program and education initiatives of the EOC delivered through a new partnership with the International Testing Agency, who ran the anti-doping program for all 3 major events, with the collaboration of the Slovenian Anti-Doping Organisation (SLOADO) and the Polish Anti-Doping Agency (POLADA).

Successful delivery of medical services

The Commission also reflected on the successful and high standards of the medical operations of all three major EOC events during 2023, delivered in partnership with the respective organising committees in Krakow, Friuli-Venezia, and Maribor.

EOC Medical Officer for the 2023 winter EYOF in Friuli-Venezia Giulia Aasne Hoksrud reported that the medical services were part of the public health system with 2 public hospitals as part of the Games medical service. At the venues the medical service was very good, with a total of 25 ambulances and 1 helicopter with minimum 1 doctor per venue, but 2 at high-risk sports along with nurses to make up the medical team. The system was set up to handle any major incident.

EOC Medical Officer for the 2023 summer EYOF Dan Nemet reported that the medical services provided by the organisers of the Maribor 2023 Summer EYOF were also excellent, offered at multiple levels of care: at the Athletes’ Village Clinic (AVC) (basic level) + physiotherapy, at sport venues (basic and emergency level), and during official side events (basic level). Additionally, advanced medical support was available in close cooperation with the Host City University Hospital. Excellent medical coverage across all events was ensured, with special attention given to the higher-risk activities as planned.

Regarding the Krakow & Malopolska 2023 European Games, Members of EOC MedCom inspected all Medical Centres and Anti-Doping Stations at different venues all over Malopolska on a daily level. They found a well-prepared system of good medical personnel and enough ambulances with well-trained paramedics and doctors at every venue. The system worked very efficiently and can be a model for future games. The System of Medical Services was supported by a group of Medical Coordinators who assisted and arranged organizing quick transportations to hospitals for investigation, imaging, and direct intensive care by using a fast-track system at the different hospitals all over Malopolska. Because of language challenges it did not work perfectly in the beginning but improved during games time.

Statistics from the anti-doping program for the Krakow 2023 European Games