17 Feb 2009

The 9th Winter EYOF kicks off in Poland

Categories: Misc.

Szczyrk (POL), 15th February – The opening ceremony of the 9th Winter European Youth Olympic Festival ?l?sk-Beskidy 2009 took place on Sunday evening, on Skalite stage. The EOC President Patrick Hickey, accompanied by Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi and some members of the Executive Committee, were in attendance. Piotr Nurowski, president of the Polish NOC and Tadeusz Pilarz, chairman of the Organizing Committee, welcomed Polish authorities and international friends who had come to greet the best of the European young athletes specialising in winter sports. The opening was in line with the Olympic ceremonial: solemn athletes parade, lighting of the Olympic torch, oaths on behalf of athletes by Magdalena Kozielska, Polish runner, and on behalf of the judges by Marek Tucznio. Finally, the fun part was entrusted to the Polish folk-pop band “Golec uOrkiestra”. Competitions started on the 16th and will continue until Friday 20.