20 Apr 2009

EOC and Romania sign contract for 2013 EYOF

Categories: Misc.

Brasov, Romania the contract between the EOC and the organisers of the 11th Winter EYOF was signed last April 16 at the Town Hall of this city at the heart of the Southern Carpathian Mountains, in the region of Transylvania. After their meeting, at which important themes linked to the organisation of the event were discussed, the President of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, Octavian Morariu, and the Secretary General, Ioan Dobrescu, signed for the NOC; whilst the EOC was represented by the Chair of the EOC EYOF Commission, Guido de Bondt, who is also a member of the EOC Executive Committee.
“Although I have been in Romania for just 24 hours, I am profoundly impressed by the warmth with which we have been greeted by the team from the Romanian NOC and the mayors from the Prahova Valley, and am most impressed with the potential you have for organising this event,” said De Bondt. For his part, President Morariu thanked all the team from his NOC, the Mayors of the Prahova Valley and the Minister for Youth and Sport, Monica Iacob Ridzi, for the full collaboration given to the project. “I would also like to thank in particular the President of Romania, Mr. Traian Basescu. We are fully aware that the real work starts now”, he added.
The 11th European Winter Youth Olympic Festival, a sports event for youngsters aged 13-18, will take place 17-22 February 2013.