16 May 2009

In Dubrovnik European NOCs look to the future

Categories: Misc.

Dubrovnik, 16 May the EOC Seminar, the
second with the new format attended by the
National Olympic Committees of Europe, in
Dubrovnik confirmed itself to be a privileged
moment of reflection for our continents
heads of sport.
Chaired by Raffaele Pagnozzi, the EOC
Secretary General, the 160 participants from
48 NOCs had two very full days of
discussions on the main themes that concern
them the preparation of their teams at the
next Olympic Games in Vancouver, London
and Sochi, as well as the first Youth Olympic
Games in Singapore in 2010, future editions
of the European Youth Olympic Festival and
the Games of the Small States of Europe.
Other key themes such as the Copenhagen
Olympic Congress, anti-doping, and sport
and sustainable development completed the
works of this Seminar opened by EOC
President Patrick Hickey, in the presence
several Croatian government and sports
Numerous experts from the IOC, the World
Anti-Doping Agency and OCOGs for the
various coming Games, gave participants
updates and receive answers to their
numerous questions.
A particularly successful Seminar, especially
thanks to the perfect organisation and the
warm welcome of the Croatian NOC, its
president Zlatko Matesa, Secretary General
Josip Cop and all the smiling team of
volunteers. Bravo and thank you. Hvala liepo!
The next EOC Seminar will take place in Malta
in 2010 thanks to an invitation from the
Maltese NOC.