17 Jul 2009

18TH Maccabiah kicks off in Israel.

Categories: Misc.

Patrick Hickey, the President of the EOC, attended the Opening Ceremony at the Ramat Gan stadium in the outskirts of Tel Aviv last Monday.
In the presence of 30 000 spectators dazzled by a colourful show and an amazing fireworks display, the 18th Maccabiah Games were officially opened by President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in the presence of NOC President Zvi Varshaviak and Secretary General Efraim Zinger, also a member of EOC Executive Committee, and numerous personalities from the world of sport and politics.
Generally known as the Jewish Olympics, these Games, which take place every four years in the year after the Olympic Games, will this year bring together some 7 300 athletes from 65 countries for 11 days of sport in three different categories: open, junior and masters.