04 Sep 2009

Everything is ready in Moscow for the 3rd EOC Athletes Assembly

Categories: Misc.

Moscow, 4th September 2009 – The Russian Olympic Committee and the athletes representatives have been working hard, together with the EOC secretariat, in order to prepare for the forthcoming 3rd Athletes Assembly, to be held in the Russian capital next 11th and 12th September.

On such occasion, representatives from the 49 NOCs and the national athletes will elect the new Athletes Commission for Europe, out a list of 11 candidates. The EOC commission will be composed of 6 athletes representing the summer sports and 2 athletes for the winter sports.

The first European Athletes Commission was established in Rome in 2001. The second one was elected in Kiev in 2005.

President Patrick Hickey and Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, will attend the meeting in Moscow , where EOC Vice President Sasha Kozlovsky and the highest officials of the Russian NOC will be proud to welcome the European representatives of the active sport movement.