25 Jun 2010


Categories: Misc.

Reykjavik, 22 June – “A particularly active and capable NOC,” was the comment the two delegates from IOC Olympic Solidarity made at the end of their three day visit to Iceland.

OS deputy director Pamela Vipond and EOC admin manager Gianluca De Angelis were welcomed to Reykjavik by NOC President Olafur Rafnsson and Secretary General Liney Rut Halldorsdottir and their small but highly motivated team on 15 June.

At the NOCs HQ, the delegates had meetings with board members and staff at which they discussed the way the NOC is organised and what assistance can be obtained from OS. They were further able to meet representatives from several federations, whose offices are grouped at the NOCs HQ, and also met the Minister for Education, Science and Culture Katrín Jakobsdóttir.

The visit, part of the routine visits that OS pays to European NOCs, has given insight into how Icelandic sport is organised and will allow OS to better target aid.