17 Jan 2011


Categories: Misc.

Rome, 15 January on occasion of the remittance of the Olympic Order to the Italian Foreign Minister Mr. Franco Frattini, CONI President Giovanni Petrucci, Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, and IOC members in Italy Vice President Mario Pescante, Franco Carraro and Ottavio Cinquanta went to Lausanne last Thursday, where they met President Rogge.

The Olympic Order, the IOCs highest distinction for those who distinguish themselves in activities for Olympism, was awarded to Minister Frattini for his commitment towards sport and Olympism, and in particular for his contribution to obtaining permanent observer status with the UN General Assembly for the IOC.

The presence of the IOC within the UN Assembly where it is represented by Vice President Mario Pescante was strongly supported by Italy and its Foreign Minister, in the belief that sport is a fundamental component of political culture and of development, and that it greatly contributes to bringing peoples closer.

In his address to Mr. Frattini, IOC President Jacques Rogge also congratulated CONI, defining it a “worldwide model for the way it is organised and how it works.”

The award will be further celebrated at the next CONI national meeting.