30 Mar 2011


Categories: Misc.

Vaduz, 30 March The NOC of Liechtenstein is geeing up to host the Games of the Small States of Europe (GSSE) for the second time, with just two months to go the start of the 14th edition of this event.

The NOC and the principality as a whole want to return the hospitality and friendship their team received, to the teams from the other eight European nations with a population of less than a million that take part in this event, which takes place every two years.

This time round Liechtenstein has set itself two parallel objectives: promote sport at home and the country abroad, and plans to do so fully respecting the environment.

The volunteers in anticipation of the 2011 LieGames, which will start 30 May and will end 4 June, the NOC has invited over 400 volunteers to a special briefing and promotional evening under the motto “Be part of it!”

The evenings programme for these volunteers from Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria and Germany, aged 9 to 78, included lots of music and entertainment, the presentation of the uniforms and a preview of the break-dance number for the 2011 GSSE Opening Ceremony.

“Without the volunteers, the 2011 LieGames would be impossible to organise”, said NOC President Leo Kranz. “Its them who transmit the emotions and its always them who in effect are the 2011LieGames hosts, as they are the ones who represent the country.”

Chefs de Mission Seminar the teams chefs de mission from Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro and Saint Marino will take place in Schaan/Vaduz from 7 to 9 April. As for all Games, this is a strategic meeting for the delegations.

The Mascots for the 14th GSSE are two eagles. These now rare birds that live in the Alps and in Liechtenstein are the embodiment of strength and dependability as well as elegance and speed, key values in sport as well. The public has named the female eagle Elfi (from the word for 11 in Germany) and the male Alfi.