26 Jul 2012


Categories: Misc.

London, 26th July As the Olympic Torch continues its tour of London on its way to the Olympic Stadium, the Members of the IOC have come together at Grosvenor House, the fine Hotel in Mayfair once the family home of the Dukes of Westminster, to take stock of the past and discuss the future of the organisation.

In particular, the 101 IOC Members at the 124th Session chaired by Dr. Jacques Rogge have proceeded with a number of appointments to the Board.

EOC President Patrick Hickey (IRL) will, in his capacity as First Vice President of ANOC, also sit on the Board in representation of the worlds NOCs.

Sir Craig Reedie (GRB) and Nawal El Moutawakel (MAR) have been elected Vice Presidents, Zaiqing Yus (CHI) mandate having reached its end and Mario Pescante (ITA) having resigned, whilst Sergey Bubka (UKR), Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr (ESP) and Willi Kaltschmitt (GUA) have become Members.

Ching-Kuo Wu (TAI) will replace Denis Oswald (SUI) as ex-officio member in representation of the summer sports IFs, whilst René Fasel (SUI) has been confirmed representative for winter sport IFs.

as we have already announced, the new chair of the IOC Athletes Commission Claudia Bokel (GER) will join the Board as the Athletes representative in place of Frankie Fredericks (NAM).

Lastly,the Session welcomed five new IOC members: Pierre-Olivier Beckers, president of the Belgian Olympic Committee; Frank Fredericks (NAM), former Athletes’ Commission chair; Aicha Garad Ali, president of Djibouti’s NOC; Lingwei Li, a Chinese badminton world champion; and Tsunekazu Takeda, president of the Japanese Olympic Committee.

Our congratulations go to one and all.