17 Sep 2012


Categories: Misc.

Montreal, 17th September – WADA signatories and all parties interested in anti-doping in sport are reminded that the deadline for submissions to the second Consultation Phase of the World Anti-Doping Code Review is on October 10, 2012.
The Revised Code will come into force on January 1, 2015.
A reminder was issued by WADA President John Fahey last Friday. The ongoing Code Review is a highly-consultative, two-year process designed to strengthen the next edition of the Code through the sharing of experience and expertise at all levels of sport and the fight against doping in sport.
“Experience has shown that the Code becomes more robust and serves as an even more effective guiding document for the world’s anti-doping community if we get the necessary feedback to strengthen it,” explained President Fahey
“Doping in sport is an ever-changing problem and as such the Code needs to develop in line with the different challenges we encounter. WADA has been pleased with the contributions so far but would again like to encourage as many interested parties as possible to pass on the benefit of their experiences.
“It is the World Anti-Doping Code and as such we need it to reflect the wide and varied needs of the sporting world and the wide number of national anti-doping organizations.”
Stakeholders can submit recommendations using the online tool “WADAConnect”, which allows them to directly reference the Code article which they consider needs review.

The Second and Third Consultation Phases of the Code run in conjunction with the consultation process also ongoing for WADA’s International Standards, which complement the Code and help to bring further harmonization to anti-doping activities across the world.
A second draft of the new Code will be presented at WADA’s Executive Committee and Foundation Board meetings in Montreal on November 17 and 18 respectively, before the launch of the Third Consultation Phase, which runs from December 1 of this year to March 1, 2013.
The Code Review reaches a conclusion when the final revised version is presented at the World Conference on Doping in Sport and adopted by WADA’s Foundation Board in Johannesburg in November 2013. It will come into force on January 1, 2015.