18 Sep 2012


Categories: Misc.

Rome, 18 September Because of the recent summer busy period, all National Olympic Committees wishing to put forward a candidate to the prize, will have some extra days to do so, namely until to 24th September next.

The Piotr Nurowski Prize was created in 2011 with the scope to remember the President of the Polish NOC and the great man of Olympism that he was, who tragically passed away in April 2010.

Through his example and his memory, the EOC intended to encourage young athletes to pursue a career in top sport, as well as inspire future generations to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on Olympic values and principles.

The 2nd Best European Young Athlete, who will receive a Trophy and a scholarship of 12,000 Euro will be elected by the EOC General Assembly gathered in Eilat next 7 and 8 December.

In choosing their candidate, the NOC/ National Athletes Commission should take into consideration his/her performances achieved during the EYOF events or Olympic Games, national, regional and/or world championships, as well as his/her particularly valuable behaviour, action and/or conduct in the fields of fair-play, Olympic culture and values, friendship, etc.

To be eligible for the Award, an athlete must:
– be a citizen of a European country
– be presented by his NOC, in conjunction with the National Athlete Commission, if any
– be under the age of 19 (at 31.12.2012 )