24 Jun 2013


Categories: Misc.

Kiev, 24th June NOC President Sergey Bubka and UNICEF Representative to Ukraine Ms. Yukie Mokuo recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
“I am pleased to sign this document, which certifies that the NOC of Ukraine has found a reliable partner with a worldwide reputation and who shares our activities and goals”, said Bubka.
In a statement issued at the end of the signature ceremony, he said how a major problem in the world today is the health of younger generations, due to their passive and sedentary lifestyle, recalling how it was this that prompted the International Olympic Committee to launch the Youth Olympic Games, which include not only sports, but also cultural and educational programmes, so teaching the unique and universal Olympic values from an early age.
For its part, the Ukrainian NOC is not standing on the sidelines, having posed itself as a leader in the field of establishment and implementation of unique social projects for children, including Olympic Day, which is now popular across the country, and the Olympic Lesson, which is held throughout the year in schools. And, through the all-Ukrainian projects Olympic Book and Olympic Corner, 20,000 schools and over 230,000 classes have been provided with Olympic literature and sports equipment.
Recently, the NOC of Ukraine held the final of the 3rd all-Ukrainian Olympic Stork global sports event for children at the Artek International Children’s Centre.
“The goal of these projects is to attract young generations to a healthy lifestyle by offering them an interesting and modern alternative to sitting in front of a computer, and other addictions” said Bubka.
“I am very pleased that UNICEF Ukraine has teamed up with the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine to raise public awareness of the importance of protecting children’s rights, their physical education and cultural development. This partnership will focus on the promotion of the Olympic values along with the importance of protecting children’s rights, especially those who are socially most vulnerable. Sport is an important platform for children’s physical and spiritual education, as well as building a society without discrimination and violence. We look forward to future joint sports activities to better the lives of children in Ukraine”, said Ms. Yukie Mokuo.
And Bubka added, “I am confident that through our close cooperation we will successfully resolve common problems, as together we can more effectively provide children with a happy, active, athletic and, most importantly, healthy life.”
The MOU will be valid until December 31st, 2016 and will include interaction and participation of both parties in various activities and projects.