02 Dec 2015


Categories: Misc.

Vilnius, December 2, 2015 – The IOC Athlete Career Programme seminar was organised in cooperation with Adecco in Lithuania for the first time. The course took place at the NOC Headquarters. Experienced athletes, Olympians, Paralympians and young athletes participated.
The audience was seduced by Mrs Kadiatou Tounkara, former basketball player, Olympian, 5 time French National champion, a member of the ANOCA ( the association of African NOCs) Athletes’ Commission and an active trainer of the IOC ACP Outreach Programme. Mrs Tounkara gave inspiring presentations and helped athletes to analyse their personal skills. It was not an easy task.
“My parents or friends could say a lot about me and my personality, but it is very difficult to judge myself”, – says Andrej Olejnik, canoe sprinter who participated in the seminar.
The second part of the seminar was led by Adecco consultant, Ms Eva Vycitalova. She helped athletes to practice writing an efficient CV and engaged them in several role-play exercises.
At the beginning of the seminar the audience was a bit shy but the event ended in a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Athletes said that the lectures were very useful and that their experience in sport will benefit their future careers.
“I like to compete and lead in other fields of life, not only sports. I think it is an advantage valued by employers. If you are a good athlete and put a lot of effort in achieving results, sooner or later you will be recognised and possibly get a job you that you want”, said wrestler Vilius Laurinaitis after the course.
Olympian and IOC ACP Career Programme trainee Dr Aya Nakitanda also took part in the discussions and role-play exercises.
The Athlete Career Programme set up by the International Olympic Committee and its partners is running in a hundred countries and has already trained more than 10,000 athletes.