18 May 2016


Categories: Misc.

San Marino, May 18, 2016 – The nine National Olympic Committees of the Small States of Europe Games met in San Marino from May 6 to 9 for their general assembly, a year prior to San Marino Games.

Two days of work – a little over a year (-386 days) from next edition of the Games of the Small States of Europe, which will be hosted in San Marino from 29 May to 3 June 2017 – for delegates from the NOCs of Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco and Montenegro. The GSSE technical commission also met in San Marino.

Gathered in the small republic in the Italian territory, the participants were able to see firsthand the progress of the work, tour the facilities and equipment of the Games, but also to report on an event that according to the opinion of the President of the NOC host, Gian Primo Giardi, must recapture the spirit of the past so as not disappear.

At the end of the general assembly, Gian Primo Giardi commented: “Our works confirmed that the small states of Europe still believe in this event. The goal we have set ourselves – to prepare a document able to define the guidelines for future editions – has been achieved; we now know where we must start to write the future of our small Olympics. “
He added: “It is symbolic that right after today’s meeting, during which we heard a presentation by the Montenegrin Committee for the 2019 GSSE, the NOCs of Andorra for 2021, Malta for 2023 and Monaco for 2025 expressed their wish to organize the games. It’s a good sign. ” He also congratulated the organizing committee “that burned stages by presenting one year of the Games, a nearly completed project – a presentation that is usually made two months before the opening ceremony.”

Angelo Vicini, the coordinator of the organizing committee of San Marino in 2017 said: “I am proud of the opportunity that was offered to me, the possibility of coordinating this wonderful working group. I must say that we are on the right track, the work undertaken is giving the expected results and most of the objectives have already been achieved. The facilities are almost ready. “

The Organizing Committee for the 2017 Games had three main objectives: make memorable games for the athletes, organise unforgettable games for San Marino and awaken around the event, for future editions, the enthusiasm they deserved.

After the general assembly, a press conference was attended by Gian Primo Giardi, President of the NOC of San Marino, Teodoro Lonfernini Secretary of State Angelo Vicini and the director of 2017 GSSE.

Organisers also unveiled the mascot “Sammy” the official logo, competition sites, the program, the first version of the technical manual, the GSSE website and pages on social networks.

Next May 29 – exactly one year to the opening ceremony – the Organizing Committee of San Marino 2017 will focus on the involvement of the whole population of the Republic, called to a real race ” Countdown Relay ” that will start from the nine Castles of San Marino to reach the center of the Rock Titan.

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