08 Jun 2016


Categories: Misc.

Zagreb, June 7, 2016 – At its 47th Session, chaired by Zlatko Mateša, the Council of the Croatian Olympic Committee (COC) adopted an increased financial plan for 2016 t of over 137 M Kuna (more than 18 M Euros) of which nearly 122 M Kuna from the State budget.
“This is the second largest Croatian Olympic Committee budget in the past ten years. Only the budget from the 2012 Olympic year was higher”, said the President of the Croatian Olympic Committee Zlatko Mateša, stressing that the Croatian Olympic Committee provided its athletes optimal conditions for preparation and performance in Rio, and thanking the Ministry for its increased support.
The Council of the Croatian Olympic Committee has pointed to the financing of sports as a particular problem over recent years. As a result, at Monday 30 May’s session the Council submitted a proposal with measures for resolving the situation, also regarding illegal betting and match-fixing.
The Council considers that the creation of a new legal framework as a form of protection against illegal competition, as well as tax relief, would result in better financing and development conditions for Croatian sport. The Croatian Olympic Committee thus sent the competent Parliamentary committees a document entitled “Analysis of the situation and proposed measures for improvement”, which includes a projection of income in favour of the State budget by 2019.
The Council gave its support to the Assistant Secretary General for Marketing Ranko ?etkovi? for the preparation of the Croatian House in Rio, organized by the COC in cooperation with the Croatian Tourist Board, Croatian Chamber of Economy and Zagreb Tourist Board.
The Croatian House, which includes the Croatian Olympic Committee’s press centre under the leadership of editor in chief of the SPTV (Sports Television) Jura Ozmec, will be the main base for Croatian-Brazilian economic and sports events during the Games.
The Council hoped to welcome IOC President Thomas Bach to Zagreb on 9 and 19 June, but the visit was cancelled due to Bach’s trip to the United States, where he will attend the funeral of the boxing legend Muhammad Ali.