04 Dec 2023

A decade of progress – EOC Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Commission marks its 10th anniversary in Helsinki

Categories: EOC

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary since its establishment, the European Olympic Committees (EOC) Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Commission met on 1 December in Helsinki at the Finnish National Olympic Committee (NOC) headquarters.

Led by EOC Executive Committee member and Commission Chair Ms Annamarie Phelps, the Commission discussed the continued progress that the EOC and the wider European Olympic Family continue to make in the area of Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) while also acknowledging that there is much more work needed to be done.

The main topic discussed was the GEDI Commission’s action plan, which is based on the International Olympic Committee framework, and focuses on five key themes and how the EOC can use their position and influence on the continent to help members make improvements. It was noted that many programmes and projects are already being implemented by European National Olympic Committees to improve and promote GEDI.

Chair Ms Phelps, who is also a member of the Association of National Olympic Committees Gender Equity Committee, noted the continued efforts that the EOC and its members are making in GEDI areas and the benefits of the Commission’s meeting.

Ms Phelps said: “To have the EOC Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Commission together in Helsinki for an in-person meeting was vitally important as we continue to discuss the areas in which the European Olympic Family needs to make progress in this crucial area. Thank you to the Finnish NOC for hosting us in beautiful Helsinki.

“We held fruitful discussions about our action plan and how it can be implemented at every level and rest assured, the EOC remain committed to placing themselves at the forefront of Gender Equality, reflecting the influential role that the European Olympic Family play in the wider Olympic Movement.

“Each year, we continue to make progress, but it is essential that all stakeholders recognise there is still work to be done. The Commission was in full agreement of this and I believe that moving into the New Year, we can be confident of making more important steps towards achieving Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and to ensuring that everyone is welcome in sport.”