11 Dec 2015


Categories: Misc.

Lausanne, 11 December 2015 – For the annual meeting of the seven OS Offices at the Olympic Solidarity HQ in Lausanne, the EOC Secretariat was represented by Administration Manager Gianluca De Angelis.

The main item on the agenda for the delegates from the seven OS Offices, including the Head Office in Lausanne, the five continental offices and the ANOC Office, assisted by IOC auditors PWC, is to review the year’s activities and look forward to 2016 in the light of the good governance principles enshrined in Agenda 2020. This has made it two very busy days, during which the delegates discussed their administrative and financial practices.

Particular attention was given to how to monitor the funds OS passes on to NOCs and other sports organisations, including the illustration of useful tools such as manuals, videos and on the spot assistance for proper audit procedures that the continental offices can use to improve good governance among NOCs.

This annual meeting is also an occasion when the representatives of the continental offices can come together for a more informal exchange of views, a useful and enriching experience for one and all.

ANOC President Sheikh Al-Sabah, who is also Chair of the OS Commission, led the meeting, assisted by OS Director Pere Miró.