28 Sep 2017


Categories: Misc.

28 September 2017

The National Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the umbrella sports organization in the country was established on June 4, 1992 and full International Olympic Committee membership was received on September 24, 1993.

The NOC marked the 25th anniversary of that special day on Sunday 24 with an official ceremony, attended by EOC Acting President Janez Kocijancic, special guest of OKB President Marijan Kvesić.

Kvesić in his review of the past period said that the first appearance of athletes at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona represented “the great victory of people who in difficult times have preserved the Olympic legacy and other loyal sports and the Olympic Charter.”

In the last 25 years, the NOC has been able to rebuild Zetra Olympic Hall, named in honor of Juan Antonio Samaranch in 2010 after his death. The venue, where the organization’s headquarters are, was used for various sporting events at the 1984 Winter Olympics, and will be the main venue of the 2019 European Youth Olympic Winter Festival. The restauration of the Olympic Museum is also currently carried out.

In his address, he also stated that 10 top athletes are preparing for the Winter Olympics in 2018 in the PyeongChang.

Sarajevo and East Sarajevo are currently working on the organization of the 2019 Winter EYOF, scheduled on 9-16 February.