19 Sep 2012


Categories: Misc.

Rome, 19th September a month after the London Olympic Games and just a few weeks after the Paralympics, CONI secretary general Raffaele Pagnozzi brought together the presidents, managers, technical staff and doctors from national federations for Olympic sports for the purpose of analysing the results obtained by the “Azzurri” at the 2012 Games, and refocus on the 2016 Games.
He began by paying homage to the great Games London had organised, the many pluses of which will doubtless inspire future organisers, overshadowing the very few minuses.
Then, pointing out how success comes from years of team work involving not just the NOC but all the actors involved, and expressing satisfaction at Italy’s eighth place with 28 medals, the head of the London delegation Pagnozzi, in the CONI Main Congress Hall together with the Vice President Riccardo Agabio, the head of the Italian Paralympic team Luca Pancalli, and Rossana Ciuffetti, in charge of Olympic preparations, underlined how new strategies would be necessary to maintain Italy’s position in the ranking. He subsequently thanked the Italian team warmly and showed a video of London Olympics highlights.

The debriefing ended with two workshops on sports technology and sports medicine and health.