04 Jun 2009

Cyprus welcomes the 13th Games of th4e Small States of Europe –

Categories: Misc.

Nicosia, 4 June The Games are in full swing in the sunny Mediterranean island state where athletes from the smallest States of the European continent are competing at their best in 12 sports (athletics , basketball , beach volleyball, gymnastics , judo, mountain bike, sailing , shooting , swimming , table tennis , tennis and volleyball).
On Monday night the sparkling Opening Ceremony took place with the attendance by the Cyprus President Demetris Christofias together with the NOC President Ouranios M. Ioannides , EOC President Patrick Hickey, Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi and Treasurer Kikis Lazarides, authorities and sports officials.
These Games, which were created in 1985, gather teams from 8 countries with less of 1 million inhabitants (Andorra | Cyprus | Iceland | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Monaco | Malta | San Marino). Montenegro has joined the family following the countrys acceptance at GSSE general assembly on Monday. However their participation to the next event in Luxembourg is still pending.
The Games run through June 6 when the Closing Ceremony will put a end to the great Cyprus experience.