19 Feb 2017


Categories: Misc.

Erzurum, 17 February 2017

And yes, the sunshine held out for the last day of competitions as well, so much so that Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, cited this as the best of all the many gifts the Local Organising Committee could have given the event.

And what a fantastic five days it has been! All the competitions went off smoothly, with perfect weather and snow conditions, at world-class venues, in an atmosphere of great friendship and enjoyment.

“All things beautiful sooner or later come to an end!” said Pagnozzi in his address at the Closing Ceremony, then addressing the athletes, to say how they and everyone else had come together here in Erzurum in peace, in friendship and with respect, and that they will all leave better persons because they will have made friends with people from other countries. This is the magic of the EYOF,” he said, “and this is why we bring the young athletes of Europe together every two years for a winter and a summer EYOF. Learn this message of peace, friendship and respect and you will live a better life.”

He went on to express the hope that this first taste of a multisport Olympic event will motivate many of the young athletes to continue and reach Olympic heights, as many athletes who competed at EYOFs have done before them, winning medals first at the EYOFs and then at the Olympic Games. Indeed, 80% of medal winners at EYOFs go on to compete at Olympics and 20% of those win medals.

He then addressed our Turkish friends, saying, “how can we thank you, you have been wonderful, not just because you organised an amazing event in record time but also because you have shown us the warmest of hospitality. The Olympic Movement of Europe is indebted to you for what you have done and is moved by your friendship.”

Lastly, he praised the volunteers, saying, “without your smiles, your warmth and your readiness to help, these Games would have been impossible. I am sure everyone will agree when I say that if these volunteers represent the youth of Turkey then this nation has a great future.”

He concluded saying that everyone will leave Erzurum with gratitude and with many fond memories of their stay in this wonderful city of snow, and that he looked forward to another fantastic winter EYOF in Sarajevo and East Sarajevo in 2019.