13 May 2009

Dubrovnik makes ready to greet the European NOCs

Categories: Misc.

The 30th EOC Seminar starts Friday 15th May
in Dubrovnik, further to an invitation from
the Croatian Olympic Committee, one of the
most active members of the European
Olympic Committees.
Zlatko Matesa, the President of the Croatian
NOC, and Josip Cop, the Secretary General,
are making ready to greet the Secretaries
General and experts of the 48 national
Olympic committees of Europe for two days
of discussions on preparations for the next
Olympic Games. Other important themes
that will be discussed by the 160
participants expected in Dubrovnik are the
Olympic Congress in Copenhagen, the fight
against doping and the Continental Games.
Raffaele Pagnozzi (ITA), the EOC Secretary
General, will chair the Seminar, which
includes a plenary session and two
workshops. EOC President Patrick Hickey
(IRL) will attend works, which will also see
the active participation of the Organising
Committees for Vancouver, London, Sochi
and the first Youth Olympic Games in
Singapore. Numerous experts from the IOC,
the World Anti-Doping Agency, as well as the
organisers of the European Youth Olympic
Festivals and the Games of the Small States
of Europe will give the participants updated
information on their activities.