26 Jul 2021

EOC Ethics Commission holds first meeting virtually

Categories: EOC

26 July 2021

The newly established EOC Ethics Commission held its first meeting virtually on 23 July 2021.

The Commission is composed by three legally qualified persons nominated by the European National Olympic Committees (ENOCs): Ms Maja SMRDU (SLO), Ms Martina SPREITZER-KROPIUNIK (AUT) and Mr Juha VIERTOLA (FIN).

The Members were greeted by EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, who gave them an overview about the Association’s organisational structure and governance.

The independent and impartial body was appointed by the elective General Assembly in Athens on 10 June 2021 and will serve for the next quadrennium.

The purpose of the EOC Ethics Commission is to act as the internal judiciary body that can hear disciplinary complaints against Officers, Executive Committee members or ENOCs, also if brought by the public. Decisions of the Ethics Commission may be appealed to an Extraordinary General Assembly of the EOC called for that purpose.