23 Jan 2024

EOC EU Office launch SIGGS 3.0 to help drive good governance in European sport

Categories: EU

The European Olympic Committees (EOC) EU Office and technical partner Symantra have officially launched the third edition of the Supporting the Implementation of Good Governance (SIGGS) project.

The SIGGS 3.0 project will run for 15 months from January 2024 as a small-scale partnership co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme. Its aim is to update the self-evaluation tool in terms of contents and software providing organisations across Europe with the latest standards to help implement good governance.

To this day more than 400 sport organisations across Europe have benefited from SIGGS to help drive integrity, autonomy and accountability, transparency and democracy, inclusivity and participation and soon also diversity and environmental sustainability in their workplaces. Once a self-assessment is completed, organisations are able to assess their practices against peers from across Europe before being provided with a personalised roadmap and action plan.

SIGGS 3.0 will begin with a two-day kick-off meeting on 25 and 26 January, which users of the SIGGS self-evaluation tool are invited to join for a hybrid session to share their insights and learnings.

Under the leadership of President Spyros Capralos, the EOC has altered their constitution to help improve good governance and move towards a more professional organisation, in line with Olympic Agenda 2020+5.

President Capralos said: “The EOC has shown its commitment to good governance with the changes we have made to our constitution in the past year, as part of Strategic Agenda 2030, and we want to distil the importance of this message to sports organisations throughout Europe.

“The third edition of the SIGGS Project, run by our EOC EU Office, will help continue this drive across the European Olympic Movement and beyond, and I am delighted with the work that Folker Hellmund and his team in Brussels continue to do.”

Head of the EOC EU Office Folker Hellmund emphasised the success of the SIGGS project during its first two editions and of his hopes for SIGGS 3.0.

He said: “The first two editions of the SIGGS project have seen organisations from a vast array of different sports and a wide-ranging number of countries engage with the programme and benefit from the work that we have done.

“This has been down to the fantastic work of the staff here at the EOC EU Office and we are looking forward to engaging with more governing bodies, national federations and clubs over the next 15 months to ensure that good governance is a priority throughout our continent.”

For further information visit: Supporting the Implementation of Good Governance in Sport – SIGGS 3.0 starts now! – EOC EU Office (