12 Mar 2021


Categories: Misc.

12 March 2021

The Executive Committee (ExCo) of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) met online yesterday for the third time of 2021, with discussions centring on the postponement of the 50th General Assembly, which will now take place on 10-11 June 2021 in Athens, Greece.

Having closely monitored the COVID-19 situation over the last weeks, the decision to postpone was made to provide delegates with the option to travel to the Greek capital for this important occasion.

The 50th General Assembly, originally scheduled for 16-17 April, is an important one for the EOC and will see the election of a President and Executive Committee among other statutory measures. The full list of positions and candidates can be seen here.

Commenting on the decision to postpone the General Assembly EOC Acting President Niels Nygaard said, “we all agreed during the last Executive Committee that we would do everything possible to organise a physical General Assembly and now thanks to the flexibility of the hosts we are able to do that.”

His sentiments were echoed by EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi who added “even though the situation across Europe is still precarious with the virus, everything has been done to find a new date that is suitable, and which will allow us to welcome all participants to Greece and organise the General Assembly effectively and safely”.

Also discussed during the meeting was the recent European Games 2023 Coordination Commission visit to Poland. Chair of the Commission Hasan Arat and President of the Polish Olympic Committee Andrzej Krasnicki provided updates on the successful meetings that took place during the four-day visit, including the involvement of different levels of federal and regional governments in the organisation of the Games and specifically the addition of the Silesia region. Arat also provided a report on the ongoing discussions regarding the finalization of the sports programme and a roadmap of actions to be delivered by both sides over the next six months.

ExCo Members also took the opportunity during the meeting to express their congratulations to Thomas Bach on his re-election as he will continue for another four-year term.