EOC Executive Committee meets ahead of elective General Assembly in Frankfurt

Feb 27, 2025
EOC Executive Committee meets ahead of elective General Assembly in Frankfurt

The European Olympic Committees (EOC) Executive Committee (ExCom) met for the second time in 2025 in Frankfurt, Germany, ahead of the 54th EOC General Assembly, scheduled for 28 February – 1 March.

President Spyros Capralos chaired the meeting, marking the final session of the current ExCom under its mandate, ahead of tomorrow’s elections for the EOC Director and ExCom positions. Eight current ExCom members will stand for re-election for the 2025-2028 term, alongside the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer.

President Capralos praised the organisation of the Winter European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) Bakuriani 2025, which EYOF Commission Chair Liney Halldorsdottir described as a huge success.

He also paid tribute to the ExCom for all the EOC’s achievements during its four-year term, including the successful European Games in Krakow-Malopolska 2023 and the EOC’s response to the conflict in Ukraine.

Additionally, the ExCom received the latest updates on the European Games Istanbul 2027, future EYOFs, and the final preparations for the General Assembly.

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