05 Jul 2018


Categories: Misc.

5 July 2018

LISBON – The EOC EYOF Commission gathers – for its 1st meeting of the 4-year term – in the beautiful framework of the Vila Galé Ópera Hotel in Lisbon, Portugal today 5 July.

The Members, together with the EOC Liaison Member Djordje Visacki, were warmly welcomed by the Commission Chair, Jose Manuel Araujo, Secretary General of the Portuguese Olympic Committee (COP), and José Manuel Constantino, COP President, at the NOC headquarters, yesterday 4 July.

The main issues on the table of discussions are: 2019 Sarajevo & East Sarajevo Winter EYOF, 2019 Baku Summer EYOF, 2021 Winter and Summer EYOFs, as well as the working methods of the EOC EYOF Commission for 2018 – 2021.

Other Commissions with meetings upcoming include: the Gender Equality Commission in Rome, Italy on 11 July and the Marketing Commission in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 14 July 2018.