20 Nov 2012


Categories: Misc.

Rome, 20th November The EOC Executive Committee has decided to move its 2012 General Assembly to Rome, where the Associations headquarters are.

The decision came after over half the European NOCs expressed concern at sending their delegates to Eilat due to the recent events in Israel, and was taken in the interests of the safety of the participants after a close examination of all aspects of the situation. The dates remain unchanged: next 7th and 8th December.

The logistical difficulties created by the move and linked to the period in which the Assembly needs to be held, when the Italian capital hosts many conferences and is invaded by tourists, have made it necessary to decide quickly, without waiting for developments in Israel, which the whole world hopes will turn towards peace.

And it was certainly a tough decision for president Patrick Hickey and the Executive Committee to take, as it means depriving the Israeli NOC of the pleasure of receiving the delegates of the European NOCs on occasion of the NOCs 60th anniversary.

A big thank you in any case goes to president Zvi Varshaviak, secretary general Efraim Zinger and the whole of their team for their understanding and the immense amount of work they have done in recent months.