02 Mar 2018


Categories: Misc.

2 March 2018

President of the European Olympic Committees Janez Kocijancic conducts a three day visit together with the EOC Coordination Commission and EOC experts to monitor preparations for the second European Games.

After a first meeting with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, EOC President told reporters that he is eagerly awaiting the opening of the 2nd European Games – the BelTA national media agency reports.

“The European Olympic Committees are fully satisfied with the preparations that have been made so far, and we are looking forward to the future with optimism and confidence, because you have qualified, well-trained, professional staff working on these issues”, Janez Kocijančič stressed.

EOC President said that he also congratulated Alexander Lukashenko on the results of the Belarusian athletes at the Olympics in PyeongChang. “My congratulations to the Belarusian people for the 15th place in the world ranking. It is a very good place, it reflects the level of sports competence that Belarus has, both competences from the sport point of view and from the point of view of organising the sports process. We are confident in the successful preparation for the European Games”, he stated.

The EOC team in Minsk includes EOC Vice President Niels Nygaard, EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, Coordination Commission Chair Spyros Capralos and other EOC CoCom members, as well as the EOC’s team of experts.

The visit will continue until Saturday with meetings with crucial MEGOC departments and several site visits.