EOC undertakes COVID19 crisis appraisal of ENOCs

Apr 7, 2020
EOC undertakes COVID19 crisis appraisal of ENOCs

The European Olympic Committees (EOC) has initiated a project, in collaboration with European management consulting firm Methodos Group, aimed at getting a clear picture of current operations at each of the 50 European National Olympic Committees (ENOCs) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The EOC, assisted on a pro bono basis by Milan-based Methodos Group, produced a survey that was sent to the ENOCs on 6 April 2020. The ENOCs will have one week to respond, after which the answers will be analysed and the results will be shared with the ENOCs.

The EOC launched the project to better understand the needs of the ENOCs during times of crisis and to determine where and how it can provide assistance.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation and/or postponement of sporting events worldwide, including the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and the Summer European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) Banská Bystrica 2021. The resulting financial and operational impact on sports bodies has been significant.

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