16 Dec 2010


Categories: Misc.

Brussels, 13 December – the Belgian EU Presidency has brought together representatives of the EU institutions and the sports sector for the first time within the framework of the new Sport Council……

During this informal meeting, held in the Belgian capital last 6 December, the parties discussed future EU collaboration in the area of sport.

“Together with the Commission and Parliament, we have decided to conduct a regular dialogue with stakeholders from the world of sport”, said Philippe Muyters, Flemish Minister for Sport and Chairman of the Sport Council.

The exchange of views focused on the results of the Council, the future of the structured EU dialogue and topical issues such as the way in which the EU will give shape to the new competence on sport, finance for sport, social inclusion in and through sport, volunteering in sport, and the various aspects integrity in sport.

The meeting followed the Resolution adopted by the Sport Council on November 18, when the EU Sports Ministers reached an agreement on reinforcing EU dialogue with stakeholders from the world of sport and providing a platform for an ongoing exchange of views regarding priorities, application and follow-up of EU collaboration in the area of sport.

The European institutions were represented by the Team Presidency (Spain, Belgium, and Hungary) for the Council and Poland as a member of the next Team Presidency, the European Commission was represented by Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou and the European Parliament by MEP Emma McClarkin.

Representatives of the EOC, the Association of European Team Sports / UEFA, the European Paralympic Committee, the European Nongovernmental Sport Organisation and ISCA Europe had been invited to attend. Marc Theisen, president of the NOC of Luxembourg and Folker Hellmund, Director of the EU EOC Office in Brussels represented our Association.

The Hungarian Presidency announced that it would organise the next meeting alongside the next Sport Council.