04 Feb 2019


Categories: EU

4 February 2019

Romania, which took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 January 2019, has presented its work programme for the upcoming 6 months.

The programme is founded on the belief that any vision for the future must be built around the key principles that have steered the evolution of the European Union so far. In formulating the priorities of the Presidency, Romania factored in citizens both as source of inspiration and as beneficiaries of the European action.

As far as sport concern, the Presidency will focus on facilitating access to organised sports for persons with fewer opportunities, and intends to put forward Council Conclusions on access to organised sport for people with disabilities.

Romania will act to foster performance in sports, emphasizing the positive perspective of the sports club – a space where community members meet, interpersonal relationships are established or developed, and athletes who provide exemplary role models are trained.

In legislative terms, the Romanian Presidency is prepared to make significant progress regarding the regulation for establishing the Erasmus programme, including the sports chapter.

At the same time, debates will be organised on sports’ development in the digital age, with the aim of increasing the awareness level of sport organizations on the economic opportunities offered by the Digital Single Market.

In order to promote a clean sport, the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council will facilitate the formulation of the common position of the Member States and of the European Union on the review of the World Anti-Doping Code and International Standards that accompany it. Also, in the anti-doping field, under the Romanian Presidency the review process of the Council Resolution on the representation and coordination of EU Member States in WADA Foundation Board’s meetings will continue.

For further information read here