14 Oct 2014

EYOF 2015 Vorarlberg & Liechtenstein: ROCK THE ALPS!

Categories: Misc.

The EOC Coordination Commission (COCOM) visited Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein again last week, to check progress with preparations for the 2015 European Youth Olympic Festival to be held from 25 30 January 2015 in Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein.
The highlight of the first day was the visit to the venue for the Biathlon competitions in Bürserberg. Bürserberg was only confirmed as EYOF competition venue early this summer. Not only does the plateau offer a spectacular panorama, but it also offers exactly what is needed for the competition. The COCOM was relieved that the Organising Committee was finally able to find a solution in Vorarlberg.
The two day meeting marathon between the COCOM and the OC went very well. The Organising Committee is very professional and the preparations are on schedule. The biggest challenge for the two organising countries will be the transport of the 1,600 athletes and officials, but the plan is very convincing. It seems Austria and Liechtenstein are prepared for all contingencies. There are still almost 100 days until the Opening Ceremony, but the OC is already now in the operational phase. The majority of the work is done, now some fine-tuning is necessary.
The COCOM visit was followed by the Chefs de Mission Seminar for participating NOCs. A three-day programme including workshops and plenary sessions and a whole day venue tour in Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein was carefully prepared by the OC and helped the CdMs to get a clear picture of the status of the preparations and get familiar with the whole EYOF 2015 project.
Besides the ENOCs, COCOM, OC, hosting Cities and NOCs representatives, the Seminar was also attended by observers from future EYOF OCs, including Tbilisi 2015, Sarajevo & East Sarajevo 2017, and Györ 2017. Lat but not least Alpy the Festival’s mascot also showed up. Alpy is a marmot and his name is a connection of words Alp and Y for Youth. The Festival motto is Rock the Alps!

The beautiful region of Montafon as well as the whole of Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein are now already looking forward to welcoming Europe’s best young athletes and Rock the Alps together.