20 Jun 2016


Categories: Misc.

Kosice, June 20, 2016 – Kosice, candidate for 2021 Summer European Youth Olympic Festival and recently named European Capital of Sport, welcomed the EOC Evaluation Commission , in view of the final decision the 50 European NOCs will take at their General Assembly next October in Minsk.
Kosice is a beautiful city located in eastern part of Slovakia along the River Hornad, and is the second biggest in Slovakia, with 250.000 inhabitants. Due to the fact that Vitoria (Spain) withdrew from the competition, the EYOF will most probably come back to Slovakia, where they hosted the 1999 winter EYOF in Poprad-Tatry.
Members of the Commission Joseph Cassar (chair) and EYOF Manager Katerina Nycova were in Kosice from 13 to 16 June, when they visited all proposed competition and non-competition venues, as well as the accommodation facilities. The Kosice 2021 EYOF project is compact, with short travel distances between accommodation facilities and sports venues.
Led by its mayor Richard Rasi, the city has been very much involved and active in the preparation of the EYOF bid together with the Slovak Olympic Committee, and has been investing a significantly in sport infrastructure. By 2021, several new sport venues will be built, including a national Tennis Center and new Gymnastics and indoor athletics hall, as well as a new football stadium. Also, some of the existing venues that will be used for the EYOF will undergo reconstruction.
The EYOF Evaluation Commission was very satisfied with the proposed plans. The visit was very well prepared, including the famous Slovak hospitality. The Bidding Committee is expected to prepare the final Bid File by the end of August.